Thursday, September 15, 2016
5:45 p.m.
502 West Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton
Tracing Your Ancestors in Voter Records
Teresa Costa Fraser
Politics has certainly been in the news lately, with elections coming up. But have you ever thought about what you might be able to find out about your ancestors, based on their voting records?
We’ve enjoyed Teresa’s past presentations at our Society meetings. A fourth generation Californian, Teresa saw her interest in genealogy blossom sixteen years ago, upon locating her Swiss Italian immigrant great grandfather’s 1900 census entry at a Family History Center in San Diego. With that success, she has been tracking down her other ancestors ever since, now specializing in research in the Mid-South region for individual clients and research firms.
Please join us early this Thursday evening to enjoy refreshments and chat with fellow SJGS members before our meeting begins at 5:45. We look forward to seeing you back at the Troke Library for this Thursday’s meeting!