Thursday, November 21, 2013
5:45 p.m.
502 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton
Using Maps
In Genealogy Research
Historical maps are fascinating to use in learning about places that existed in the past. They can be used to find the exact place your ancestors lived and to learn about the neighborhood or surrounding areas. Using historical maps with other sources such as vital records, censuses, city directories, tax lists, and land records can help you see your family’s history from a different perspective.

Our speaker owns and operates Retracing the Past, a genealogical research services firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area, and publishes a blog by the same name. She and her husband, Barry, currently reside in Dublin.
As always, it’s a good idea to come early to the meeting—not only to secure a good parking space, but to greet fellow Society members. We look forward to seeing you at this last meeting of 2013!