Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Put Your Family History on the Map!

Thursday, November 21, 2013
5:45 p.m.
502 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton

Using Maps
In Genealogy Research

Historical maps are fascinating to use in learning about places that existed in the past. They can be used to find the exact place your ancestors lived and to learn about the neighborhood or surrounding areas. Using historical maps with other sources such as vital records, censuses, city directories, tax lists, and land records can help you see your family’s history from a different perspective.

Teresa Costa Fraser of Retracing the PastIn our November meeting, we look forward to hearing historical researcher and lecturer Teresa Costa Fraser provide an overview of historical maps that can be used in genealogy research and discuss how to find them in libraries, archives and on the Internet. She will share examples of how she found historical maps of places her ancestors lived in the Azores, Virginia, Illinois, Mississippi and California.

Our speaker owns and operates Retracing the Past, a genealogical research services firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area, and publishes a blog by the same name. She and her husband, Barry, currently reside in Dublin.

As always, it’s a good idea to come early to the meeting—not only to secure a good parking space, but to greet fellow Society members. We look forward to seeing you at this last meeting of 2013!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Join Us For SJGS's Last Workshop of the Year

Saturday, November 16, 2013
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Margaret Troke Library
502 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton

San Joaquin Genealogical Society announces its last Beginners' Workshop for 2013.

On Saturday, November 16, member Sylvia Perez will speak on "How to Research Your Mexican Ancestry" and will share her observations on her recent research and travel. She will describe how she located her Mexican ancestors and some of their descendants living right here in Northern California. In addition to advice on how to start your own family history research, Sylvia will review ideas on how to collaborate with these distant cousins, once you meet them, to achieve further research goals.

After the presentation, Society volunteers will be available for your genealogy research questions, so bring whatever data you already have: birth, marriage, death dates of ancestors and where they lived. To access the wi-fi made available for this workshop session, you may either bring your own laptop, or use one of the library's laptops.